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4 Jun 2024
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Holden Beach Summer Vacation Important Reminders

Please review the following information ahead of your Holden Beach vacation. For a complete list, visit the HB Town Hall website. We want all of our guests and visitors to enjoy a safe and relaxing vacation!

1. Remember that parking ordinances are strictly enforced, including pay-to-park requirements. Do not block the emergency beach accesses located on the far east end, at the pier, the 500 block or the 800 block. These accesses are for emergency response access, not temporary parking to unload passengers or beach equipment. Blocking accesses creates a life threatening time delay to emergency response.

2. Ocean Boulevard has been recently paved and widened with bike lanes. Enjoy the smooth pavement, but watch your speed. The new bike lines are for bikes, not Low Speed Vehicles (LSV) and not for parking. Bicyclists under the age of 16 are required to wear a helmet. 

3. LSVs are still required to follow the same traffic laws as every other motor vehicle, including travel lane regulations and very importantly seatbelt and child restraint regulations.

4. Pets are required to be on a leash at all times when off of your property, and no pets are allowed on the beach strand from 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

5. Beach equipment must be removed daily and cannot be left overnight. Storage of beach equipment on the frontal dunes is also restricted. Items left unattended will be removed and discarded as trash.

6. Fireworks and pyrotechnics create a safety risk to the operator and bystanders as well as a fire hazard to the dune vegetation and houses. Possession is a class 2 misdemeanor. If you light it, we write it.

7. The summer concert series will be held at Bridgeview Park. Vehicle access will be restricted beginning Sunday mornings including access to Davis Street. The multi-purpose courts will close at 3:00 p.m. each Sunday. The Town has a good concert lineup for us this summer, and we look forward to seeing you there.